3 Days To Kill

WARNING: Do not see this movie!


3 Days To Kill (Kevin Costner, Hailee Steinfeld, Connie Nielson, Amber Heard) – If I had to kill three days, I still wouldn’t see this movie again. This stinker attempts to be a light action thriller in the mold of True Lies, and it fails miserably.  To be fair, my friend, Denis, would like it because there were a lot of guns, senseless killing, and action.  So 3 Days to Kill isn’t boring.  It is just stupid.


Kevin Costner still looks good on screen at 59.  He plays Ethan Renner, a CIA killing machine, who decides to retire when he finds out he is dying of brain cancer.  He wants to make things right with the daughter (Hailee Steinfeld) he rarely sees.  But as he is attempting the reconciliation, a CIA operative who looks like Natasha from Rocky and Bullwinkle to kill a bad guy, The Wolf, and his accountant, The Albino, enlists him.  Really?


OK, I tried these scenarios: (1) This movie is really a spoof.  (2) It’s Foul Play without Dudley Moore and Chevy Chase?  (3) It’s a comic book graphic novel version of The Firm, which also featured an albino?  But I don’t think so.


How does Ethan get coerced into finding and killing the bad guys?  Well, our heroine, Vivi Delay (Amber Heard), has a cure for his cancer.  It comes in the biggest damn syringe ever invented.  She injects him; he goes practically numb; he drinks vodka; he feels better; he goes and kills someone.  Really?


OK, enough!  Do not see this movie (yes Denis, you can still go).  Go rent Three Days of the Condor and True Lies.  You will enjoy them a lot more and save money in the process.

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